
A customer information kit containing all details of the excess payment applicable to your insurance claim, along with an invoice, is posted out to you as soon possible once we have been authorised by your insurance company to proceed with repairs or restoration works at your property.

Please note that Bay Building Services or Linx Contents Services will not proceed with any repairs or restoration works until we have received this excess payment.

There are a number of ways in which you are able to pay your excess which are outlined below. Should you have any questions regarding payment of your excess and the options available to you please don't hesitate to contact us.


Please use the form below to access our secure online payment system.

Once you have entered the requested details you will be directed to a secure NAB payment page, where your transaction will take place on a secure server. Once your transaction is complete, you will be redirected back to this website.

First Name (Enter the first name of the payee)

Last Name (Enter the last name of the payee)

Email Address (Address where we will send your receipt)

Invoice Number (6 digits located at the top right of your invoice)

Amount (Please use two decimal places, e.g. 25.00)